Girls’ weekend in Steamboat Springs

Girls’ weekend in Steamboat Springs


What an amazing time away - taking care of ourselves as mamas is so important- VID has taught me this! 

Lots of adventures, memories, laughs, and rejuvenation. I love this dear friend of mine from college. Thank you Kate for always showing up! 

What a great way to kick off summer!! 



 STAY: @steamboatgrand on @hotwire 


EAT: @back_door_grill @creeksidecafe_steamboat @smellthatbreadbakery @saltandlimesteamboat 


 DO: @the_press_steamboat @pickinpear / #strawberryhotsprings / #hike #fishcreekfalls / #bikeride @steamboatskiandbikekare @yampariverbotanicpark 


 #friendship #momlife #getaway #colorado #mentalhealth #selfcare #community #kinderedspirits 

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